======== REQUIREMENTS ========

- Java 5 or newer
- Apache Ant

======== DEPENDENCIES ========

MCSMA use the Apache Ivy library to manage its dependencies,
using a format similar to Maven repositories.

A copy is Ivy is bundled by default with the application in the ivy/ directory.
To update it to the last available online version, use:

ant download-ivy

To retrieve all project dependencies, in particular Geotools,
used by the Collembola model, use:

ant resolve

======== COMPILATION ========

In the projet root, use:

ant build

======== JAR CREATION ========

In the project root, use:

ant jar

======== JAVADOC ========

To generate Java doc in doc/, use:

ant doc

======== EXECUTION ========

The utils/ script contains an exemple of invocation
of the framework.

The src/mcsma/core/examples directory contains examples of MCSMA low-level
interface usage, in use cases such as Game of Life, Grid manipulations...

The src/mcsma/plugins/ directory contains all plugins bundled with MCSMA:
For external plugins, please refer to their own archives.

======== EXAMPLES ========

src/ocl/examples contains various examples of usage for the base library
(compilation of GPU source code, execution on GPU and result retrieval)

src/mior and src/collembola contains two research models implemented using
this base library, using more complex kernels and functionnalities

kernels/ contains all the OpenCL GPU kernels used by these models and examples.