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#include "RectifierAffine.hpp" RectifierAffine::RectifierAffine() { } RectifierAffine::~RectifierAffine() { } void RectifierAffine::init(cv::Mat*im1, cv::Mat *im2, cv::Mat *F, std::vector<cv::Point2d>* inliers1, std::vector<cv::Point2d>* inliers2) { _imL = im1; _imR = im2; _F = F; _inliers1 = inliers1; _inliers2 = inliers2; } void RectifierAffine::rectify() { std::cout << "Rectification started... " << std::endl; cv::Mat epR; cv::Mat epL ; cv::computeCorrespondEpilines(*_inliers1,1, *_F,epR); cv::computeCorrespondEpilines(*_inliers2, 2, *_F,epL); //std::cout << _F.toMat() << "sdsdsds " << _F.toMat().t() << " "; angleL = atan(<double>(0)/<double>(1)); angleR = atan(<double>(0)/<double>(1)); std::cout << "Angles (L,R) : (" << angleL << ", " << angleR << ")" << std::endl; cv::Mat Rl = get2DRotationMatrixLeft(); cv::Mat Rr = get2DRotationMatrixRight(); cv::warpAffine(*_imL, imLrect, Rl, _imL->size()); cv::warpAffine(*_imR, imRrect, Rr, _imR->size()); std::cout<< "ok"<< std::endl; //cv::cvtColor(imLrect, imLrect, CV_BGR2GRAY); //cv::cvtColor(imRrect, imRrect, CV_BGR2GRAY); cv::Mat imLrectShifted; cv::Mat imRrectShifted; std::vector<cv::Point2d> inliersLeftTransformed; std::vector<cv::Point2d> inliersRightTransformed; for(int i = 0; i < _inliers1->size(); i++) { cv::Mat tempPoint; tempPoint = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << (*_inliers1)[i].x, (*_inliers1)[i].y, 1); tempPoint = Rl*tempPoint; inliersLeftTransformed.push_back(cv::Point2d(<double>(0,0),<double>(1,0))); tempPoint = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << (*_inliers2)[i].x, (*_inliers2)[i].y, 1); tempPoint = Rr*tempPoint; inliersRightTransformed.push_back(cv::Point2d(<double>(0,0),<double>(1,0))); } cv::Mat rectErrors = cv::Mat::zeros(inliersLeftTransformed.size(), 1, cv::DataType<double>::type); for(int i = 0; i < inliersLeftTransformed.size(); i++) {<double>(i,0) = inliersLeftTransformed[i].y - inliersRightTransformed[i].y; } cv::Scalar mean, std; cv::meanStdDev ( rectErrors, mean, std ); shift = round(abs(mean[0])); std::cout<<shift<<std::endl; int rowNb; if (mean[0] > 0){ // features of 2nd are higher than the 1st - shift to the second imLrectShifted = imLrect; imRrectShifted = cv::Mat::zeros(shift,imRrect.cols, imRrect.type()); imLrectShifted.push_back(imRrectShifted); imRrectShifted.push_back(imRrect); for (int i = 0; i < inliersRightTransformed.size(); i++) { inliersRightTransformed[i].y = inliersRightTransformed[i].y + shift; } } else{ imRrectShifted = imRrect; imLrectShifted = cv::Mat::zeros(shift,imLrect.cols, imLrect.type()); imRrectShifted.push_back(imLrectShifted); imLrectShifted.push_back(imLrect); for (int i = 0; i < inliersLeftTransformed.size(); i++) { inliersLeftTransformed[i].y = inliersLeftTransformed[i].y + shift; } } for(int i = 0; i < inliersLeftTransformed.size(); i++) {<double>(i,0) = inliersLeftTransformed[i].y - inliersRightTransformed[i].y; } cv::meanStdDev ( rectErrors, mean, std ); std::cout << "Rectification errors:" << std::endl; std::cout << " mean: " << mean << std::endl; std::cout << " std: " << std << std::endl; imLrect = imLrectShifted; imRrect = imRrectShifted; *_inliers1=inliersLeftTransformed; *_inliers2= inliersRightTransformed; std::cout << "Done" << std::endl; //cv::imwrite("_R01.jpg", imLrect); //cv::imwrite("_R02.jpg", imRrect); } bool RectifierAffine::isReady() { return (! _F->empty()) && (! this->_inliers1->empty()) && (! this->_inliers2->empty()); } cv::Mat RectifierAffine::get2DRotationMatrixLeft() { return cv::getRotationMatrix2D(cv::Point2d(_imR->cols/2.0,_imR->rows/2.0),angleL*180.0/CV_PI,1); } cv::Mat RectifierAffine::get2DRotationMatrixRight() { return cv::getRotationMatrix2D(cv::Point2d(_imR->cols/2.0,_imR->rows/2.0),angleR*180.0/CV_PI,1); } cv::Mat RectifierAffine::get2DShiftMatrix() { cv::Mat shiftMat = cv::Mat::zeros( 3, 3, cv::DataType<double>::type);<double>(1,2) = shift; return shiftMat; } |