package map /** * Class for defining the layers and controls in the map to be shown. * * @property layers List of layers to be shown in the map, the default layer is OpenStreetMap. If more than one layer is * specified, then a layer selection control will be shown in the top right corner. * @property zoomControlConfig Zoom control definition, by default it's shown in the top left corner. * @property scaleControlConfig Scale control definition, by default it's not shown. * @property initialCenter Initial center position of the map (default is London city). * * @author Stefan Saring */ class MapConfig @JvmOverloads constructor( val layers: List = listOf(MapLayer.OPENSTREETMAP), val zoomControlConfig: ZoomControlConfig = ZoomControlConfig(), val scaleControlConfig: ScaleControlConfig = ScaleControlConfig(), val initialCenter: LatLong = LatLong(0.0, 0.0) )