package map import javafx.concurrent.Worker import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane import javafx.scene.paint.Color import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine import javafx.scene.web.WebView import* import netscape.javascript.JSObject import import import import import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import javax.imageio.ImageIO /** * JavaFX component for displaying OpenStreetMap based maps by using the Leaflet.js JavaScript library inside a WebView * browser component.
* This component can be embedded most easily by placing it inside a StackPane, the component uses then the size of the * parent automatically. * * @author Stefan Saring * @author Niklas Kellner */ class LeafletMapView : StackPane() { private val webView = WebView() private val webEngine: WebEngine = webView.engine private var varNameSuffix: Int = 1 private val mapClickEvent = MapClickEventMaker() private val markerClickEvent = MarkerClickEventMaker() private val mapMoveEvent = MapMoveEventMaker() internal val zoomLimitSmallMarker = 8 /** * Creates the LeafletMapView component, it does not show any map yet. */ init { this.children.add(webView) } /** * Displays the initial map in the web view. Needs to be called and complete before adding any markers or tracks. * The returned CompletableFuture will provide the final map load state, the map can be used when the load has * completed with state SUCCEEDED (use CompletableFuture#whenComplete() for waiting to complete). * * @param mapConfig configuration of the map layers and controls * @return the CompletableFuture which will provide the final map load state */ fun displayMap(mapConfig: MapConfig): CompletableFuture { val finalMapLoadState = CompletableFuture() webEngine.loadWorker.stateProperty().addListener { _, _, newValue -> if (newValue == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) { executeMapSetupScripts(mapConfig) } if (newValue == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED || newValue == Worker.State.FAILED) { finalMapLoadState.complete(newValue) } } val localFileUrl: URL ="/leafletmap/leafletmap.html") webEngine.load(localFileUrl.toExternalForm()) return finalMapLoadState } private fun executeMapSetupScripts(mapConfig: MapConfig) { // execute scripts for layer definition mapConfig.layers.forEachIndexed { i, layer -> execScript("var layer${i + 1} = ${layer.javaScriptCode};") } val jsLayers = mapConfig.layers .mapIndexed { i, layer -> "'${layer.displayName}': layer${i + 1}" } .joinToString(", ") execScript("var baseMaps = { $jsLayers };") // execute script for map view creation (Leaflet attribution must not be a clickable link) execScript( """ |var myMap ='map', { | center: new L.LatLng(${mapConfig.initialCenter.latitude}, ${mapConfig.initialCenter.longitude}), | zoom: 1, | zoomControl: false, | layers: [layer1] |}); |L.control.scale().addTo(myMap); |var myRenderer = L.canvas({ padding: 0.5 }); |var markerClusters = L.markerClusterGroup({spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false, disableClusteringAtZoom: 10}); |var heatLayer = L.heatLayer([]).addTo(myMap);""".trimMargin() ) // eventZoomChangeIcon() // execute script for layer control definition if there are multiple layers if (mapConfig.layers.size > 1) { execScript( """ |var overlayMaps = {}; |L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps).addTo(myMap);""".trimMargin() ) } // execute script for scale control definition if ( { execScript( "L.control.scale({position: '${mapConfig.scaleControlConfig.position.positionName}', " + "metric: ${mapConfig.scaleControlConfig.metric}, " + "imperial: ${!mapConfig.scaleControlConfig.metric}})" + ".addTo(myMap);" ) } // execute script for zoom control definition if ( { execScript( "L.control.zoom({position: '${mapConfig.zoomControlConfig.position.positionName}'})" + ".addTo(myMap);" ) } } /** * Sets the view of the map to the specified geographical center position and zoom level. * * @param position map center position * @param zoomLevel zoom level (0 - 19 for OpenStreetMap) */ fun setView(position: LatLong, zoomLevel: Int) = execScript("myMap.setView([${position.latitude}, ${position.longitude}], $zoomLevel);") /** * Pans the map to the specified geographical center position. * * @param position map center position */ fun panTo(position: LatLong) = execScript("myMap.panTo([${position.latitude}, ${position.longitude}]);") /** * Sets the zoom of the map to the specified level. * * @param zoomLevel zoom level (0 - 19 for OpenStreetMap) */ fun setZoom(zoomLevel: Int) = execScript("myMap.setZoom([$zoomLevel]);") /** * Adds a Marker Object to a map * * @param marker the Marker Object */ fun addMarker(marker: Marker) { marker.addToMap(getNextMarkerName(), this) } fun addCircle(circle: Circle) { circle.addToMap(this) } fun addZone(zone: Zone) { zone.addToMap(this) } /** * Removes an existing marker from the map * * @param marker the Marker object */ fun removeMarker(marker: Marker) { execScript("myMap.removeLayer(${marker.getName()});") } fun removeCircle(circle: Circle) { circle.removeCircle(this) } fun removeZone(zone: Zone) { zone.removeZone() } fun removeZone(id: String) { val idSanitized = id.replace("-", "") execScript("myMap.removeLayer(polygon$idSanitized);") } fun uppdateCircle(circle: Circle, latLong: LatLong, radius: Double) { circle.modifyCircle(latLong, radius) circle.uppdateMap() } fun setEventMousePosition() { execScript( "var lat=0.0, lng=0.0;\n" + "myMap.addEventListener('mousemove', function(ev) {\n" + " lat =;\n" + " lng = ev.latlng.lng;\n" + "});" ) } fun getMousePosition(): LatLong { val lat = execScript("lat;") as Double val lng = execScript("lng;") as Double return LatLong(lat, lng) } /** * Adds a custom marker type * * @param markerName the name of the marker type * @param iconUrl the url if the marker icon */ fun addCustomMarker(markerName: String, iconUrl: String): String { execScript( "var $markerName = L.icon({\n" + "iconUrl: '${createImage(iconUrl, "png")}',\n" + "iconSize: [24, 24],\n" + "iconAnchor: [12, 12],\n" + "});" ) return markerName } private fun createImage(path: String, type: String): String { val image = var imageString: String? = null val bos = ByteArrayOutputStream() try { ImageIO.write(image, type, bos) val imageBytes = bos.toByteArray() val encoder = Base64.getEncoder() imageString = encoder.encodeToString(imageBytes) bos.close() } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } return "data:image/$type;base64,$imageString" } /** * Sets the onMarkerClickListener * * @param listener the onMarerClickEventListener */ fun onMarkerClick(listener: MarkerClickEventListener) { val win = execScript("document") as JSObject win.setMember("java", this) markerClickEvent.addListener(listener) } /** * Handles the callback from the markerClickEvent */ fun markerClick(title: String) { markerClickEvent.MarkerClickEvent(title) } /** * Sets the onMapMoveListener * * @param listener the MapMoveEventListener */ fun onMapMove(listener: MapMoveEventListener) { val win = execScript("document") as JSObject win.setMember("java", this) execScript("myMap.on('moveend', function(e){, myMap.getCenter().lng);});") mapMoveEvent.addListener(listener) } /** * Handles the callback from the mapMoveEvent */ fun mapMove(lat: Double, lng: Double) { val latlng = LatLong(lat, lng) mapMoveEvent.MapMoveEvent(latlng) } /** * Sets the onMapClickListener * * @param listener the onMapClickEventListener */ fun onMapClick(listener: MapClickEventListener) { val win = execScript("document") as JSObject win.setMember("java", this) execScript("myMap.on('click', function(e){, e.latlng.lng);});") mapClickEvent.addListener(listener) } /** * Handles the callback from the mapClickEvent */ fun mapClick(lat: Double, lng: Double) { val latlng = LatLong(lat, lng) mapClickEvent.MapClickEvent(latlng) } /** * Draws a track path along the specified positions. * * @param positions list of track positions */ fun addTrack(positions: List) { val jsPositions = positions .map { " [${it.latitude}, ${it.longitude}]" } .joinToString(", \n") execScript( """ |var latLngs = [ |$jsPositions |]; |var polyline = L.polyline(latLngs, {color: 'red', weight: 2}).addTo(myMap);""".trimMargin() ) } fun clearAllLayer() { execScript(""" myMap.eachLayer(function (layer) { map.removeLayer(layer); }); """.trimIndent()) } fun addTrack(positions: List, id: String, color: Color, tooltip: String) { val jsPositions = positions .map { " [${it.latitude}, ${it.longitude}]" } .joinToString(", \n") val cleanTooltip = tooltip.replace("'", "'") execScript( """ |var latLngs = [ |$jsPositions |]; |var color = "rgb(${Math.floor(color.getRed() * 255).toInt()} ,${Math.floor(color.getGreen() * 255) .toInt()},${Math.floor(color.getBlue() * 255).toInt()})"; |var polyline$id = L.polyline(latLngs, {color: color, weight: 2, zIndexOffset: 200}).bindTooltip('$cleanTooltip', {sticky: true}).addTo(trackGroup)""".trimMargin() ) } fun makeVesselTrackTransparent(id: String) { execScript("polyline$id.setStyle({opacity: 0.5});") } fun highlightTrack(id: String) { execScript("polyline$id.setStyle({weight: 4});") } fun normalizeVesselTrack(id: String) { execScript("polyline$id.setStyle({opacity: 1,weight: 2});") } fun eventZoomChangeIcon() { execScript( """ |myMap.on('zoomend', function() { |var currentZoom = myMap.getZoom(); |if (currentZoom < $zoomLimitSmallMarker) { |markersGroup.eachLayer(function(layer) { return layer.setIcon(aircraftSmallIcon) |}); |} else { |markersGroup.eachLayer(function(layer) { return layer.setIcon(aircraftIcon) |}); |} |}); """.trimMargin() ) } fun removeTrack(id: String) { execScript("myMap.removeLayer(polyline$id);") } fun fitBoundsMarkers() { execScript("setTimeout(() => {myMap.fitBounds(markersGroup.getBounds().pad(0.05));}, 500);") } fun addZone(polygon: Polygon, id: String, color: Color) { val points = polygon.points val latLongs = arrayListOf() var lat: Double var lon = 0.0 for (i in 0 until points.size) { if (i % 2 == 0) { lon = points[i] } else { lat = points[i] latLongs.add(LatLong(lat, lon)) } } val jsPositions = latLongs .map { " [${it.latitude}, ${it.longitude}]" } .joinToString(", \n") val idSanitized = id.replace("-", "") execScript( """ |var latLngs = [ |$jsPositions |]; |var color = "rgb(${Math.floor(color.getRed() * 255).toInt()} ,${Math.floor(color.getGreen() * 255) .toInt()},${Math.floor(color.getBlue() * 255).toInt()})"; |var polygon$idSanitized = L.polygon(latLngs, {color: color}).addTo(myMap);""".trimMargin() ) } internal fun execScript(script: String) = webEngine.executeScript(script) private fun getNextMarkerName(): String = "marker${varNameSuffix++}" }