## Intro Maritime Visualisation is a tool that allow you to visualize ais data. ## Usage You can import data by clicking on File -> Import, and select your CSV file. The CSV file must be in this format :
![import.png](visualisation-maritime/src/main/resources/readmeImage/import.png 'Import example')
A specific MMSI can be highlighted by selecting it in the left panel and specific data can be plot in the bottom panel.
![selectedData.png](visualisation-maritime/src/main/resources/readmeImage/selectedData.png 'Selected data example')
## Requirements * Java installed (Jdk8). * Gradle (6.2+) ## Importing and running project Clone the project with : $git clone https://disc.univ-fcomte.fr/gitlab/fditeam/visualisation-maritime.git Go to : $cd visualisation-maritime Build and run the project with : $gradle run